
We're just a family, living in Buffalo, NY trying to raise some kids, and have some fun while doing it. He's a computer guy and she works in a hospital. Two little boys (ages 3 and 2) who have everyone they know wrapped around their tiny, little fingers.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hi, I'm in...

The Laughlins' have started their trip to Myrtle Beach. We're about 6hrs in. And we're somewhere in the backwoods (ok, really the mountains) of West Virgina. The trip has been so far, uneventful. We're packed like sardines, but the Traverse is definitely a smooth ride. And the boys quite enjoy the dvd player.
Danny experienced a first today. First gas station bathroom. *shudder*
More from the Laughlin vacation later, but for now you can enjoy a picture of Liam, covered in chocolate and eating a gummy worm. And yes, the picture was taken at 6:30am.

1 comment:

Andy Shields said...

You have the most beautiful children ever