
We're just a family, living in Buffalo, NY trying to raise some kids, and have some fun while doing it. He's a computer guy and she works in a hospital. Two little boys (ages 3 and 2) who have everyone they know wrapped around their tiny, little fingers.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

From the Mouth of a 3 year old

While we were on vacation in South Carolina, it was easy to notice that there were no helmet laws in effect for motocyclists. (Something I find very stupid, by the way.)
Danny stated, after noticing this, 'That guy needs his butt slapped by that guy's mommy!'
Hmmm, I wonder which parent threatens to slap butts when the boys are in trouble...
And seriously, if a 3 year old thinks it's wrong (without any prodding from his parents) maybe those helmet laws aren't a bad idea! Or are we just tainted by our NY ways?
Speaking of, I don't miss cigarette smoke in bars or resturaunts. Not sure if they have those laws in SC yet, but there was some smoking on the patio at Margaritaville, and it was gross.

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