I was nervous, but not really sure why. Probably just because it's new and I didn't know what to expect. Danny, on the other hand was fine. Probably in part that he had no idea what school was, other than that kids ride these big yellow buses to get there.
Dan took the morning off of work to be there with Danny, and me, as we sent Danny off to school. It was really nice having him hom
Everyone woke up early, 6am. (Seriously early for someone who works till 11pm the night before.) Everybody got dressed and we tried to force some breakfast down our
gullets and off we went. We left a little bit early, not sure how busy Main Street was going to be and didn't want to be late for our first day of school. We got there super early. 7:30, Danny didn't have to be there until 8.
We weren't sure wher
It's a class of 3 (Danny is the only boy), I heard the teacher say that they normally have about 9 kids, and registration is still opem. Unlikely that there will be more children, but I'm hoping, for Danny's sake, they at least get another boy.
We said our goodbyes to Danny and his teacher reassured me that all would be fine and if I was ever worried, I could call the office and ask them for an update. I'm not concerned so, not likely I'll ever do that.
There were no tears.
Dan, Liam and I left after prayers and we went home (mostly because I was exhausted and Dan wanted to do some work.) (Not sure what Liam and I are going to do normally. It's a lot of driving in a 4 hr period. Danny is in school from 8 till 11. I've considered the park. The zoo doesn't open till 10, so we'd be there for 30 minutes and have to leave. And then add in cold Buffalo winters. We might be doing the extra driving, except on nasty, snowy days.)
At 10:30, we all piled back into the car to go get Danny. We arrived a little before 11 so we got to see the tail end of the day. They were dancing. And Danny loves to dance so I was sure he was having a good time.
Outside the door, the teacher made a list of "My Favorite Thing About Today Was." Danny of course said 'the cars'.
When Danny left the classroom, he seemed to have morphed into the crabbiest child I've ever seen. He told us very little about his day, one thing he did tell us was he watched the big kids play badminton. And then he told us his tummy hurt. I was trying to ask him questions about school, the water colors he painted, or the playground he played on (the teacher wrote a note on the board of what they did so we could ask them what they did.) And then he said "Stop talking to me, Mommy." And he yelled at Liam too, when we were trying to talk to him and ask him questions.
Because it was a special day, we decided to go out for lunch, something we don't normally do. But Daddy was with us and Danny (and I) had just made it through the first day of school without any (major) meltdowns.
So that was it for the first day of school. I'll make sure to update the blog on any special things that happen.
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