Sorry, my 3 readers, it's been quite a while since I've posted. And this one isn't going to be very long. I just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello, and give you some highlights of our life since September.
1. In October, Danny, Liam and I drove down to North Carolina to spend some time with my mom's brothers and sisters at a beach house. It was gorgeous.
2. Danny was Mickey Mouse (and a Firefighter) for Halloween. For weeks, he told me he wanted to be Mickey Mouse and then the Thursday before Halloween he told everyone at school he was going to be a FireFighter and devastated when his teacher pulled out the Mickey Mouse costume. My parents ended up finding a firefighter costume and he wore it for 3 days straight. Liam was supposed to be Buzz LightYear, but it never shipped so we ended up using the hand-me-down Yoda from my cousin that Danny wore when he was 2. He loved being Yoda, so it all worked out.
3. At the end of October, Dan and I found out we would be expecting our 3rd child. I am currently 13 weeks pregnant, and it's been rough so far, for me. But I had a sonogram on Tuesday and it looks like he or she will be a cutie, so worth all my pain! The baby is due on June 29th. We have decided on a boys name, but not yet a girls name. Too many to chose from. We will find out the sex of this baby, if we can. So, at this point I'm not too concerned about the name, but come end of January/ early February, and we find out it's a girl (I think it's a boy, but I thought Liam was a girl) and we still haven't decided on a name, then I'll be worried.
4. November was quiet, as much as it can be with a three year old, a two year, an exhausted, sick pregnant mama, and an overworked Daddy. On November 17th, Dan and I 'celebrated' our 4th Wedding Anniversary. And I say 'celebrated' in quotes because I was super sick and Dan just laid in bed next to me, working, while I slept. Thanksgiving was nice. Spent the afternoon with my family at my mom's house, and the evening was spent with Dan's family at his sister's new apartment.
5. Dan has been working on the ice rink. It's been difficult since Buffalo has been abnormally warm this winter. It's 'done' for now, we're just waiting for it to freeze. At 22 degrees right now, we might actually get a frozen rink by New Years.
6. Danny was taking Ice Skating lessons at a local ice rink. He hated it, and for good reason. It was the first time he had been on skates and had a hard time standing. There were too many kids and too few instructors (2) and one of the instructors looked like she was doing it for mandatory community service. She was not thrilled to be there and refused to help. Instead, we went down to Rotary Rink for the tree lighting ceremony and Danny had some one-on-one skating time with Daddy, and was much happier. They went down last weekend too, Danny didn't skate as much, but at least he's not afraid. The freezing of our rink will be helpful so the boys don't have to go all the way downtown, and maybe I can get some practice in since I'm not that great at it myself.
7. This year, we decided to adopt one of Santa's Elves. His name is Gerbe and the kids just love him.
8. We celebrated Danny's 4th Birthday. I can't believe he's getting so big!
9. Today is Christmas Eve. We're spending the day with Dan's family, going to Midnight Mass and then coming home. Waking up, hopefully opening up presents from Santa and then heading to spend Christmas Day with my parents. (We switch every year, this year it's Christmas Eve with Dan's family and Christmas Day with my family. Next year, it will be Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas Day with Dan's family.)
I think that's all about the Laughlin family, for now. I'm sure my pregnant brain forgot to mention something, but that should at least hold you over till the next time I blog.