
We're just a family, living in Buffalo, NY trying to raise some kids, and have some fun while doing it. He's a computer guy and she works in a hospital. Two little boys (ages 3 and 2) who have everyone they know wrapped around their tiny, little fingers.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Three Year Old Brain

This blog is seriously going to become funny things my kids say. Or, to be completely truthful, the things that Danny says, since Liam's personality has yet to shine through in his answers.

Some background on the current funny statement...Danny still has yet to understand the concept of a question. (Kind of strange and worries me sometimes, but we get by.) Most of the time when I ask him a question, the answer is always yes. And it irks me to no end, so when Liam adopted this method, I lose my patience sometimes.

The first one happened a few months ago while sitting in my parents kitchen. We've been trying to teach him his name (first and last), where he lives, where his grandparents lives and his parents names. When we ask him who I am, his answer is Mommy. So we started getting creative and asked him what my mom calls me. Sometimes he says Lucy, but this one time I asked him, 'Danny, what does Mammers call Mommy?' He thought about it for a moment and answered 'On the phone.' And he's right, mostly, I'm a texter. And although I've convinced my mom to text some, most of our conversations (other than in person) are on the phone.

Which brings me to my next story. We've been in the car for over 12hrs, and due to lots and lots of traffic and an ill-advised detour, we still have quite a few hours left. (Yuck!) And since we've been on the road so long, the natives are getting restless. Aunt Jenny, the extra adult and wrangler of children, decided to help our bored children (can only watch so many movies) by playing a game. After making sure he knew his colors, settled on playing the color game with Danny. She picks a color and he has to look and find that color. Easy enough, right?

So the first color she picked is red, after passing multiple red cars, a coca cola machine and some other red things, she asked him if he saw anything red. He said 'Yeah, red and yellow.' She asked what was red and yellow.

Danny responded, in the most serious, matter of fact tone with a hint of you're silly for not knowing this...'They're colors!!!'

From the Mouth of a 3 year old

While we were on vacation in South Carolina, it was easy to notice that there were no helmet laws in effect for motocyclists. (Something I find very stupid, by the way.)
Danny stated, after noticing this, 'That guy needs his butt slapped by that guy's mommy!'
Hmmm, I wonder which parent threatens to slap butts when the boys are in trouble...
And seriously, if a 3 year old thinks it's wrong (without any prodding from his parents) maybe those helmet laws aren't a bad idea! Or are we just tainted by our NY ways?
Speaking of, I don't miss cigarette smoke in bars or resturaunts. Not sure if they have those laws in SC yet, but there was some smoking on the patio at Margaritaville, and it was gross.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Raining Men

Day 4 of our 8 days at Myrtle Beach. It has rained every single day, but the past 2 have been all rain. I know Myrtle needs it, but just my Buffalo luck. (See it's not just our sports teams, it's our weather too. And why can't it be the hot hot hot weather from last week!!)

Yesterday we beat the rain by going to the very crowded aquarium, which was awesome. There are a couple of other things to do, but today might be a drinking day since we haven't done much of that. And there is some sun forecasted for later in the week so I can come home with some darker color than when I left. Maybe.

Dan and I have hopes of going on a date night and visiting Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville or a restaurant called Dick's where the waitstaff are, well, dicks. But not much else planned other than chillin' on the beach. Which I could seriously do everyday.

I absolutely love being on the beach. May have to retire to a costal community. But with Dan being my husband, will have to be very near to an NHL hockey team. Any suggestions?

Please enjoy the picture from the beach house deck of our rainy view of the ocean.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hi, I'm in...

The Laughlins' have started their trip to Myrtle Beach. We're about 6hrs in. And we're somewhere in the backwoods (ok, really the mountains) of West Virgina. The trip has been so far, uneventful. We're packed like sardines, but the Traverse is definitely a smooth ride. And the boys quite enjoy the dvd player.
Danny experienced a first today. First gas station bathroom. *shudder*
More from the Laughlin vacation later, but for now you can enjoy a picture of Liam, covered in chocolate and eating a gummy worm. And yes, the picture was taken at 6:30am.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things (Part II)

Another thing that Danny says all the time is "In in
I was told to write this down (thanks Mom) or I would forget this when he's a sulky teenager. And well, the blog is good enough for me.
And have a mentioned his pronounciation of dinosaur "dine-nore."
Plus we can't forget about Liam. Instead of Banana, Liam says "Min-na" and here you go, Mommy is really "No no Mommy." (That one took me a long time to figure out. And the only way I did figure it out was because he kept handing me stuff while saying no no Mommy.)

Mr. Bookman

I need recommendations for a good book. I need to read more and am horrible at just picking books since there are millions out there. I pretty much need someone to hand me (or tell me, this book is good, read it.)
So any suggestions would be good.
Currently reading: Time Travellers Wife
On the list to read: Skinny Bitch, Sarah's Key and the Girl with a Dragon Tattoo Series
Any suggestions old, new, fiction, non-fiction are welcome


Just set up the mobile app for blogger, so I want to test it out.
And we'll throw a picture in their for good measure.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lost in Translation

Liam has been talking in full sentences since he was 18 months. YAY! him, right? Absolutely. (Especially after dealing with Danny's speech problems. I still think he's delayed for his age, but always progressing so I'm not too worried)
...and back to the subject of the post...
Boo, for me.
The one bad thing about Liam's awesome speech is he hasn't quite mastered pronunciation. (Normal for all children, mostly the people around the child can understand them, still happens with Danny sometimes.)He's getting much better, but he tries to have conversations with me, and I don't understand half the things he says.
I find myself asking Danny "Hey Danny, what did Liam just say?"
At first, Danny was thrilled to translate for Liam. But lately, Danny sighs at me (for anybody who knows me, I sigh all the time so I only have myself to blame), tells me no and walks away, and I'm left wondering what my almost 2 year old is trying to tell me.
Oh, and a side note, Liam gets very upset if he is not understood. Lots of crying (mostly me) and yelling. But it's a work in progress and Liam's pronunciation is slowly progressing.

Some upcoming things I'll try and post about:
Vacation to Myrtle Beach
Danny as a ring bearer in a friend's wedding (wearing a tuxedo!)
Danny starting pre-school 3 in September (He's getting so BIG!) :(